Friday, December 9, 2011

Nokia Lumia 800 Launch in Singapore

Buyers in Singapore Line Up 8 Hours Early For Nokia Lumia 800

We weren’t wrong when we said to expect a line at the Nokia Lumia 800 launch in Singapore. Some eager fans have queued up to 8 hours early. We got some photos. Take a look.
Lumia line

Nokia Lumia line
Nokia lumia line 1
As a reminder, the first 100 buyers of the Nokia Lumia 800 will also get an Xbox 360 with Kinect absolutely free.

Here some photos from this week-long promotion that Nokia Singapore has been running. You can view the rest at their Facebook page.
Lumia 2
I really hope to see these kind of amazing marketing campaigns here in the US too.
According to Nokia Singapore’s Facebook page, the first 100 will also get VIP passes for the launch party. They will be entitled to bring along a friend who will also stand to win one of 10 Nokia Lumia 800 raffled at the party. If you’re there, please take some pics and share with us!

Source: The Nokia Blog
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