Tuesday, December 13, 2011

What is Best, iPad, Kindle or Galaxy Tablet? What is the best eReader?

What is best, iPad, Kindle or Galaxy Tablet? The hoopla on tablets was initiated by Kindle, Amazon's tablet eReading device. Its market is targeted to book lovers. For any ardent reader, the idea of carrying all your books in one compact device and being able to carry it with you so easily can be enticing indeed. Better yet, it feels like reading a real book for its screen doesn't get any glare on it. You can choose to read on your Kindle while sunbathing in sunny California and you wouldn't even squint. That is why the Kindle is still one of the best selling devices in the market today.

Steve Jobs, the CEO of Apple Inc. shortly joined the fray by releasing another tablet device, the iPad. It was believed by most people that iPad will cause the Kindle to lose power over the market. Of course, that assumption was absurd. For one, the iPad is targeted towards a wider audience. You can use the iPad as a reading device (though it's unwieldy and not glare-free) but it can also be used for watching movies, playing games, and so much more.

Lastly, iPad is much more expensive (understandably so since it does so much more) than the Kindle. The iPad is worth $499 while the Kindle costs $139. So obviously, there's no competition here. Obviously, there's no comparison between the iPad and the Kindle since both devices have their own respective target markets.

IPad was sitting pretty as the ultimate tablet device until Samsung released the Galaxy Tablet. Samsung is a very reputable company, and it's dead serious on pitting itself against Apple for the tablet wars. This stokes the argument even more, "What is best, iPad, Kindle or Galaxy Tablet?"

The first thing you'll notice when you see the Galaxy tab is that it's a bit smaller than the iPad. Its screen is 7", making it more portable than the 11 inch iPad. Just like with iPad, you can watch movies, play games, and download several applications. Video quality is also good, though this is one of the areas that favor the iPad since watching movies is much better when viewed through a larger screen.

The only distinct disadvantage with the Galaxy Tab is that it's very difficult to look for movies or TV series to watch, unless you illegally download through bitTorrent or rip DVD's yourself. You can download the Media Hub app, but you can only download straight to your Galaxy Tab.

If you travel all the time, the iPad is also more convenient because of its longer battery life. The battery life of the Galaxy Tab is only 7-8 hours, compared to the iPad's 11-12 hours.

So finally, what is best, iPad, Kindle or Galaxy Tablet? Overall, iPad is still the king among all tablet devices. And if the recently released advertisement on the iPad2 is any indication, it looks like Apple is going to dominate the next generation of tablet devices.

Also, if you're wondering on where to find a good selection of eBooks, you can never go wrong with Buy eBooks Online Service. The eBooks available in the site are compatible with all current eReaders, so even if the iPad is the best choice, the question "What is best, iPad, Kindle or Galaxy Tablet?" doesn't really matter.
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